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Welcome to The Neighborhood Business Alliance!

The Neighborhood Business Alliance brings together impacted communities to advocate for sensible, informed solutions to local economic policies and beyond. As the small business crisis in San Francisco heightened, ethnic trade associations, family businesses, and workers joined forces to create a single voice on economic, cultural, and political issues affecting them the most.


Officially formed in 2019, we facilitate the growth and development of our members through ongoing government advocacy; legal, financial, and entrepreneurial education; as well as innovative programs that strengthen local merchants and groups.



As an Organization, we aim to build strategic partnerships as well as work internally to build towards a more equitable future for everyone.

Mission, Vision and Founding Principles

The Neighborhood Business Alliance is a 501c6 Non-Profit Trade Association founded by community members and small businesses in the Arab, African, South Asian and Black communities in the Bay Area. Our Members are anchor businesses and customers in their respective neighborhoods, and our aim is to skill-share to help bring those that are harder-to-reach, into the fold as it pertains to food access, community development, and regulatory compliance. We were founded to address small business concerns on an individual and systemic basis. Our goal is to encourage policymakers to create legislation with merchants at the table and in a manner that is inclusive to underserved and immigrant-owned businesses.

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Membership Options

Our membership options give merchants the support they need to be part of a larger, stronger, and more unified voice. You can benefit from The Neighborhood Business Alliance's recognized advocacy experience, unparalleled industry knowledge, and access to leading experts and decision-makers. 

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